Web And Marketing Agency

Website Development and Digital Marketing

Elevate Your Digital Presence:
Where Vision Meets Innovation in Web Development & Digital Marketing Excellence

Web Development

We turn your digital dreams into reality with our web development wizardry, creating functional online masterpieces. Transforming ideas into wonders that leave a lasting impression.

Digital Marketing

Unlock your brand’s digital potential with our dynamic digital marketing services, where strategic prowess meets online impact, turning clicks into conversions and dreams into digital success.

Helping Businesses Grow and Achieve Success

Unlock The Full Potential

Supercharge your business growth and achieve unparalleled success with our expert guidance and innovative solutions. Unlock the full potential of your business with a tailored approach that maximizes opportunities and drives sustainable growth.

Strategic Planning: Craft a customized roadmap for your business, identifying key milestones and strategies to propel growth.

Innovative Solutions: Implement cutting-edge technologies and creative solutions to stay ahead of the competition and meet evolving market demands.

Performance Optimization: Fine-tune your operations for efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and overall improved performance.

Market Expansion: Explore new markets and customer segments, expanding your reach and creating additional avenues for success.

Web Development

Create | Update | Repair
Crafting digital magic, one line of code at a time, to bring your ideas to life on the virtual stage of the internet.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the art of captivating online audiences,  clicks echo louder than words, and every scroll unveils a strategic masterpiece.

Automatic Marketing

Unleash the power of AI to turbocharge your outreach, turning clicks into conversions and customers into advocates with precision and panache.

On-Call Support

Round-the-clock superheroes for your tech troubles, on-call support services rescue you from digital dilemmas, ensuring smooth sailing in the sea of technology!

What Is Support For Web?

SupportForWeb is your trusty sidekick in the digital world! Picture them as the superheroes of the web, ready to swoop in and rescue your company from any online conundrum. These tech-savvy champions specialize in providing top-notch support that turns tangled web issues into smooth-sailing success stories.

With a team of seasoned experts, SupportForWeb goes above and beyond to be the backbone of your company’s online presence. They’re the wizards behind the curtain, ensuring your website not only looks fantastic but functions flawlessly too. From troubleshooting pesky bugs to optimizing performance, these tech maestros have got it covered.

But it’s not just about fixing problems—SupportForWeb is all about boosting your company’s potential. They’re the secret sauce that makes your online ventures thrive. Think of them as the architects of success, crafting strategies that elevate your brand and keep it ahead of the digital game.

In a nutshell, SupportForWeb isn’t just a web service and  support company; they’re your digital allies, your partners in progress. With them by your side, you’re not just navigating the web; you’re conquering it, one click at a time.

What types of services do you actually provide?

Support For Web provides a large arsenal of web and marketing services. We have standard plans covering everything from web site development and hosting to on-call support and repair services. We also provide digital marketing services from Google Business Profile Management, Local Marketing, to Automated Marketing Systems. A full list can be found on our services page

Do you offer web hosting?

Yes, Support For Web offers web hosting to those we develop websites for as well as anyone looking for affordable premium or shared web hosting with incredible support. You can find out more about our web hosting on the Web Hosting page.

What's the difference between local marketing and digital marketing?

There are actually two types of Local Marketing.

The conventional Local Marketing method involves promoting products or services within a specific geographic area, such as a neighborhood, town, or city. This approach targets potential customers who are physically nearby, often through methods like flyers, posters, local newspapers, and community events. For example, if a small bakery wants to attract more customers, it might distribute flyers in the neighborhood or sponsor a booth at a local fair. The focus here is on establishing a presence within the local community and building relationships with nearby customers through face-to-face interactions.

Local Marketing also is a primary part of Digital Marketing harnessing the power of the internet to reach a broader audience beyond physical boundaries. Instead of relying on physical materials, digital marketing utilizes online platforms such as websites, social media, email, and search engines to connect with potential customers. This approach allows businesses to target specific demographics, interests, and locations with precision. For instance, an online clothing store can use social media ads to target users based on their age, gender, and location, ensuring that the message reaches the right audience at the right time.

How important is keeping up on my Google Business Profile?

Keeping your Google Business profile up-to-date is like ensuring your storefront looks welcoming and inviting in the digital world. Just like you wouldn’t want customers walking into a dusty, outdated shop, you don’t want them encountering incorrect or old information about your business online. Your Google Business profile is often the first impression potential customers have of your business, so it’s crucial to keep it current.

Updating your Google Business profile regularly helps ensure that customers can find accurate information about your business, such as your hours of operation, contact information, and address. Imagine someone searching for your business hours, only to arrive and find that you’re closed because the information online was outdated. It’s not just inconvenient for them, but it reflects poorly on your business’s reliability and professionalism.

Moreover, an updated Google Business profile can also boost your visibility in local searches. Google prioritizes businesses with complete and accurate information, so keeping your profile current can improve your chances of appearing in search results when potential customers are looking for products or services you offer in your area. Essentially, maintaining your Google Business profile isn’t just about staying accurate; it’s about ensuring that you’re putting your best digital foot forward and maximizing your opportunities for attracting and retaining customers.

I don't have a large budget to get started. Would you still be able to help?

Absolutely! Having a smaller budget to start with doesn’t mean we can’t make great progress together. In fact, it’s quite common for many successful ventures to begin with modest resources. The key is to be resourceful and strategic in how we utilize what we have.

We can start by focusing on the essentials and finding cost-effective solutions. This might mean prioritizing the most impactful areas for investment and looking for creative ways to minimize expenses without sacrificing quality. For example, we could explore free or low-cost tools and platforms that can still deliver excellent results. Additionally, leveraging your existing skills and networks can be a valuable asset in keeping costs down while still making meaningful progress.

Above all, remember that success is not solely determined by the size of your budget, but by your determination, creativity, and willingness to adapt. Together, we can develop a tailored plan that maximizes the value of your resources and sets you on the path towards achieving your goals. Let’s get started and make the most of what we have!

Who We Are

Support For Web is a family-owned company nestled in Shelbyville, Indiana. Our team consists of a tight-knit group of individuals who share familial ties and close friendships. We bring together a wealth of expertise in various fields such as web development, digital marketing, programming, and customer service. Each member contributes their unique skills and experiences to provide comprehensive support to our clients.

Located in the heart of Indiana, our company takes pride in its roots and values. With a focus on collaboration and personal connections, we prioritize building strong relationships with our clients. Whether it’s creating a stunning website, devising effective digital marketing strategies, or providing top-notch customer service, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of each client.

At Support For Web, we believe in the power of teamwork and dedication. With our combined knowledge and passion for what we do, we strive to exceed expectations and ensure the success of every project we undertake. As a family-owned business, we are committed to upholding values of integrity, transparency, and excellence in all aspects of our work. Let us be your trusted partner in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of web development and digital marketing.


Let’s Find Your Balance. Set Our Goals. See The Rewards Yourself.

Setting an appointment for marketing is like making a plan to talk about promoting something. It’s important because it helps us organize our thoughts and make sure we have enough time to discuss everything properly. When we have an appointment, it means we’ve set aside specific time to focus on marketing strategies, which can lead to better ideas and results. Plus, it shows that we’re serious about our goals and want to work together to achieve them.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!